Streamlined Payroll Services from CoWorx

We simplify payroll tasks to reduce your management burden and give you greater peace of mind.

Put payroll stress in the past.

Finding the right talent requires your full attention. Once hired, managing payroll can stretch your resources thin. We get it, and we’re here to help. Our payrolling services are designed to take the pressure off you and your staff to ensure nothing but smooth operations and timely payments ahead. 

Focus on your business. We’ve got this.

When we manage your payroll, you get nothing less than meticulous attention to detail—across every task and process. With extensive experience in tax adherence, benefits administration, and regulatory compliance, we focus on reducing risks and improving the experience so you can focus on your core business goals.

Tech that talks the talk.

The heart of payrolling success is the technology it runs on. With our payrolling services, you get a mobile-optimized account that offers both executive and associate portals. You also get intuitive online time and attendance tracking, as well as scheduling, to ensure there aren’t glitches in your payroll matrix.

Complete payroll offerings as unique as you are.

No matter your payroll requirements, we rise to the occasion—whether you’re staffing temporary, temp-to-hire, direct hire, or a mix. Our services address the unique pay process requirements for each, and cover a range of scenarios that might apply to your business: 

  • Headcount
  • Project Needs
  • Skilled Talent
  • Intern Program
  • Retirement
  • No Footprint
  • Transitioned Employees
  • Try Before Hire
  • Distributed Workforce

It pays to have a payroll services partner that cares about your goals.

An important part of the hiring experience is what happens after an employee starts—especially when it comes to getting paid. You work hard to find the ideal talent. We do everything to ensure they continue to work for you.


  • Admin and human resources support
  • Payrolling and onboarding management
  • Tax filing and wage attachments
  • Performance and compensation analysis
  • Quarterly reports
  • W-2, W-4, I-9 and E-Verify forms
  • Customized reports, dashboards, metrics, and analytics to analyze ROI


  • HR and Benefits administration
  • Unemployment insurance premiums and reporting
  • Accrual tracking and adjudication on claims for all city, county, and state sick pay mandates 
  • Employee benefits package for most payrolled employees
  • Workers’ compensation reports

Risk Management

  • Regulatory compliance and risk management
  • Federal, state, city, and municipality compliance
  • Management of worker’s compensation and Unemployment
  • Reduced exposure to employment-related risks
  • Training to promote retention and productivity
  • Assessment of current payrolling practices to establish key productivity metrics
  • Review of timesheet design and data capture for optimized per-employee output

Have questions? Ready to roll with streamlined payroll services?